
Outdoor Burning

There is no Burn Ban in Effect


Review "Do's and Don'ts for Outdoor Burning at Your Residence, Answers to Some Burning Questions." before you burn outdoors.

      Outdoor Burning Resources
"The TCEQ Outdoor Burning Rule first prohibits outdoor burning anywhere in Texas, and then allows exceptions for specific situations in which burning is necessary or does not pose a threat to the environment.  The rule also prescribes conditions that must be met to protect the environment and avoid other adverse impacts when burning is allowed."  Outdoor Burning in Texas (RG-049), TCEQ, 2008.

Contains guidance for interpreting the TCEQ Outdoor Burning Rule along with an appendix containing the TCEQ Outdoor Burning Rule.

 Texas Wildfire Risk Assessment (TxWRAP)

Texas A&M Forest Service maintains this interactive page.  Homeowners can find numerous resources including the "What's Your Risk" interactive tool. Put in an address and this real-time tool will reveal the fire risk for that location for that specific time.