
Crime Tips HOTline
(866) 930-TIPS
or Submit Via Tip

Narcotic Tips HOTline
(512) 549-5003
or Submit Via Email

(512) 549-5100
(24 hours)

Dial 911

Type of Incident
Last name (As it appears on your ID)
First name (As it appears on your ID)
Middle name
Current Address
Current City
Current State
Current Zip Code
Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY)
Drivers License State
Drivers License Number
Home Phone
Cell Phone
Work Phone
Incident Address (If unknown, please indicate that, and give an approximate location)
Incident City
Incident State
Incident Zip Code
Approximate location
Date and time of incident Example: Between 03/01/2020 5:00AM and 03/03/2020 8:00PM
Suspect Last Name (If known)
Suspect First Name (If known)
Other Suspect Info Birthday, Address, Race, Sex, Height, Weight, Hair color, Eye color, etc.
Do you want to file charges?
Were there any witnesses?
Witness information Please include witness names, address, phone numbers, and any other contact information
Do you have photographs? If you have photographs, you can email them to OnlineReporting@co.bastrop.tx.us. Please only send 1-2 at a time, or they may be blocked.
Do you have videos? If you have videos, please hold on to them. Someone will contact you to discuss how to get them to us.
Please give a detailed description of what happened
Stolen or damaged property If you had property damaged or stolen, please list it here. Include item description, model numbers, serial numbers, and values.

By submitting this report, you are swearing that everything is true and correct to the best of your knowledge. Filing a false report is a criminal offense and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.