
Geographic Information System


GIS Maps & Data Available Online

The County offers online maps and data for the convenience and ease of access by the public.

Click a link below to be directed to:


Interactive Maps


PDF Maps


GIS Data



Submit Public Information Request for Maps & Data

Existing maps and data may be requested directly from the County by sending a Request Form to
public.information@co.bastrop.tx.us, or by using another method outlined here.  Please include
a detailed description to enable us to accurately identify and locate the requested map or data. 



Report a 3rd Party Mapping Problem Affecting GPS Devices, Apps, and Maps

Visit GPS.gov for instructions to submit feedback to 3rd party map providers (such as Apple, Garmin, Google Maps, Waze, etc.).


Street Name Checker Tool

In order to avoid confusion and facilitate the best possible emergency service response, any new street name may not duplicate, including phonetically, the name of an existing street name within the County or the same postal community. The County provides a Street Name Checker Tool to help subdivision plat applicants research any desired street name, prior to requesting County review and consideration. This Tool will check a proposed name against existing streets, including sound-alike names, found in the county-wide GIS road database. This Tool is merely the first of several steps in the street name review process. The Address Assignment Division of the County Development Service Department will conduct additional research prior to determining if a proposed street name is acceptable, not recommended, or must be rejected. Please visit the County's Address Assignments webpage for additional details, including how to reserve a street name and County's Road Naming Standards.

Click here to go to the Street Name Checker Tool.