
Justice of the Peace, Precinct 1
Criminal Court

What are the options for non-traffic related offenses?

You may pay the fine. Refer to Schedule of Fines. For offenses not listed please contact the Judge's office.

Note: Payment of fine constitutes a plea of nolo contendere (no contest) and a guilty verdict will be rendered.

You may plea not guilty and request either a Bench Trial (trial by Judge) or Jury Trial (trial by jury).

You may request Deferred Disposition, where a Justice of the Peace may defer final disposition of a case and grant a period for probation-like conditions to be met by the defendant, payment of the fine in full is required.

Are Payment Plans available?
Criminal Indigent OR Payment Plan request form 060120225312022.pdf

The State of Texas requires that all fines and fees are payable at the time of sentencing. However, upon payment of state fees, you may apply to the court for Extended Time Payments. This requires additional paperwork and approval from the court.