E-Filing Information and Instructions for filing your case online.
Bastrop County Justice of the Peace Precinct One; Court of Honorable Cedelia Allen
Will start accepting E-file on 12/14/2020
What is E-Filing? E-filing is an electronic filing system that allows registered user to file documents with the court anywhere 24-hours-a-day, seven-days a week. You can locate an Electronic Filing Service Provider (EFSP) that is approved by visiting https://www.efiletexas.gov/service-providers.htm
What is E-File Texas Self-Help? E-File Texas Self-Help program is a program designed to help a plaintiff that is not an attorney maneuver through the needed information to generate the necessary forms for initiating a cause for action. Both Pro-Se Plaintiffs and attorneys can E-File. E-File Texas Self Help is here to assist Pro-Se plaintiff’s. The user will be guided through tutorials of questions and then at the end will answers are populated to a form that can either be electronically filed or printed and filed at the court window (during normal business hours).
What is the E-file Support direct contact information? To contact Tyler Technologies directly to technical support with E-filing, you can reach them at 800-297-5377 or efiling.support@tylertech.com
Bastrop County Justice of the Peace Precinct 1 Internal Filing Specifics for E-Filing Debt Cases. **No Evictions or Small Claims accepted at this time**
All parties are to have a mailing address entered for the specific party; if a Plaintiff is being represented by an attorney, our Court still requires an actual mailing address for the Plaintiff.
When filing multiple documents: Filer must enter separate documents by adding another filing. This is noted on the top left where it states “Add Another Filing”. Do not file multiple attachments to one filing code. If done under multiple documents on one attachment, this will be subject to the E-file being rejected. .
All documents must be electronically signed and must include a proper conformed signature. Signatures accepted by BCJP1 are as “/s/” and name typed in the space where the signature would appear OR an electronic image or scanned image of a signature or handwritten signature. If it is imaged, then it is the filer’s responsibility to have on file the approval to use such signature.
Documents loaded to the E-file request for processing must be readable. If for any reason a document or a part of a document is not readable by the clerk, this warrants a rejection of the filing.
Any and all documents may not contain security restrictions.
As a reminder of #2 noted above, documents may not contain multiple pleadings in the same document. This will warrant a rejection by the clerk upon reviewing.
If you cannot find a “Filing Code” for a document you are trying to submit, then choose the closest relevant document.
It is the filer’s responsibility to file in the proper court.
If you have any questions as to why a filing was rejected and not accepted by the Court and a reason was NOT provided in the E-filing submission sent back to you, then you can email edith.wood@co.bastrop.tx.us. Please keep in mind that if you are a first time filer, or even new to E-filing with BCJP1 and have E-files elsewhere before, there will be learning curves. Please do not hesitate to reach out to Edith by the email address above with your questions.
A clerk of the Court will be reviewing your submitted documents within 24-48 hours. You will receive a communication after it is reviewed on whether it is accepted or rejected via the E-file system. Please be sure to look for any comments on the communication as to why it may have been rejected. It is the filer’s responsibility to correct the document, information or step and re-file it as quickly as possible. The filed date is only considered FILED once the filing is accepted by the Court; this DOES NOT mean that any Motions, etc are approved by the court.